Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wednesday the 26th of November

-Allegory of the Cave and Metaphore of the Shadow.... revisited after His Dark Materials....what is dust? Presentations Taylor -All The Skins of Life: Erotic connections between Animals, Humans, and other forms of Life. -Alania - woman who puts on snake skin and seduces her men. Inspire fear. -Why are these powerful creatures put into fairy tales and slightly disregarded? Adults are frightened of this connection. Strange and exotic, and union between familiar and exotic. A symbol of the fragmented conscience, and we have a connection with it that takes us from comfort. -Children see that you can fall in love with an animal and not be perverse and be perfectly normal. -Adults shun this off as taboo. (i.e. Beauty and the Beast) -Can humans ever really be separated from the animals? No, nothing separates us except for our own fallacies, our own want to be fully human. Hannah -Relationship of the adult to the children they write it for. -When you are adult, how do you write stories that appeal to the child you once were? -Lewis Carroll - never was a grown man. -Carroll wasn't real name, and he wanted to stay child, so picked the Carroll name. -Someone once defined adult as depressed child. -"Did a good job of keeping portal open between childhood and adulthood." -Puer - the eternal youth - Peter Pan Syndrome - Jill said (while sitting next to me) - "I think Carroll had a lot in common with Michael Jackson." I thought this to be funny Sadie -Curious Characters - Curiosity is main character - essential to moving story forward -Psyche indulges and we can not help but egg (ag?) her on. -Psyche (the soul) falls in love with Love, Cupid. -Is there such thing as to much curiosity? -Perault and Bluebeard - Is that story really for children? -The Golden Key that reveals the dead wives, the curiosity to see what key is what drives the story onward and drives it home. Jesse -Pictures -To little description to see what is all there, or too much to remember. -How can a children's book be written so it is all available to the person only reading? It's not, you NEED pictures, especially in Alice in Wonderland. You just can not do it with words. -Wasp in the Wig was deleted because John Tenniel did not want to draw it! ;) -Fairy Tale book - There are a lot of Beasts from B+B, Giant in Jack and Bean Stalk, Puss in Boots, and Rumplestiltskin. -Lyra's Alethiometer has pictures that lead her to truth. -Jesse's body is a metatattoo... he has tattoos with tatoos. -MS says "get ahold of" The Castle of Crossed Destinies (people who can only speak through Tarot Cards) Ronnie -The power of literacy and what gives it powers? -Allows us to put the world in a box -Looked into history of America, focused on a novel by Greensblad -Frederick Douglas, when he discovers what literacy means, he discovered that literacy was his pathway to freedom, it was what allowed the white man to enslave the black. -A Child's Book is it's pathway to freedom as well. -Lyra get's much more power and insight than anyone else in the novel because she has the ability to "read" the alitheometer, but she is also held in by this power too. It is her destiny. -Those who give us knowledge have a purpose for sharing it, but a book gives us the power to take the knowledge for the purposes we make. John -Wednesday the 3rd of December (7-9PM) in Lynnfield 125, John is performing in a Shephard's Pageant, FREE. -Focused on Willing Suspension of Disbelief. Imagination. This is theatre too. -Wants to put us all immersed in art. -MS spoke of a Shakespeare quote, "Imagination creates the best props for us all." Ben -Fee,Fie,Fo,Fum - Nine stories that incorporate cannabalism. -Little Red Riding Hood eats the Family -Snow White's Evil Step Mother -Giant in Jack -Juniper Tree -Vasalisa? -Many others! -Many of these Cannibals are Motherly Characters in the stories! The female! ;) -Juniper Tree and His Dark Materials show us some wonderful ways that Cannibalism can be highly symbolic and wonderful. -Jack and Tom Thumb willingly offer themselves to be eaten... -Juniper Tree and Snow White has the apple as the weapon... Garden of Eden displacement. -Belongs in children's literature because now they'll be prepared, especially in the unconscience realm. MS says, "Consume or be consumed" was how your childhood was. Communion, cannabalism! Kathleen -"The Slanted Truth" -Truth in Children's Lit. -Emily Dickenson's poem "To Tell The Truth" -Pullman's book does drip with amazing truth's. Do the kids no what they're reading? Yes, at their own level and deeper in their unconscience. They'll embrace the deeper meanings later on in life. Need truth in children's literature because it's the fun way to teach. Jill -John Lennon is children's literature. -Most of his songs deal with dreams, shadows, and mirror images. -Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Walrus. (I think Imagine would fit here too.) -Revolution Talbot's book (inundated with words instead of pictures, however.) -#9 Dream... dreams as a portal, a connection to childhood. -"We can find meaning in nonsense." -Lennon in 64 and 65, published A Spaniard in The Works and In His Own Write. -Gave a child Revolver. Mother was totally upset because all about drugs, and Jill says NO! The child loves it because it is nonsense and we love nonsense. MS - Gould and Lennon (and John Cage) were amazing minds for the musical artistry that came from the 70s. Jabberwocky in Alice reminds me of something but I can't quite make out what it is. Nonsense has a structure that finds a common place in the minds of us all!

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